Chapter 3—Report on performance

Performance overview

Old Parliament House sought to achieve its outcome through the objectives and deliverables of Program 1.1, as summarised in Table 2. The following sections describe performance in achieving each objective, including results against the key performance indicators set out in the Portfolio Budget Statements.

Table 2 Achievement of deliverables identified in the Portfolio Budget Statements for Program 1.1, 2011–12
Deliverables Result
a The audit made no recommendations.
Objective: Manage the heritage values of OPH
Ensure adherence to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 through ongoing implementation of the Heritage Management Plan, including compliant refurbishment, conservation and preservation works. Fully achieved
Strategic approach to the Capital Works program. Fully achieved
Ensure appropriate financial stewardship over the asset collection. Fully achieved
Objective: Develop and manage the collections
Ensure that Museum of Australian Democracy has appropriate collections of exhibition, interpretation and research materials that meet agency, public and scholarly needs. Fully achieved
Ongoing implementation of the Collection Management Policy and Procedures. Fully achieved
Increase public awareness and community contribution to Museum of Australian Democracy’s collection. Fully achieved
Implementation of recommendations from Acquisitions Committee processes audit. Fully achieveda
Objective: Increase engagement and participation through onsite, online and outreach programs
Increase accessibility to the collection. Fully achieved
Develop and deliver high quality exhibitions, events and schools and public programs. Fully achieved
Encourage use and engagement with the agency website. Fully achieved
Ensure research and historic information on Museum of Australian Democracy’s website is current, accurate and authoritative. Fully achieved
Manage a research and scholarship program on Australia’s Prime Ministers and Australian democracy. Fully achieved
Participate in relevant partnerships and collaborative projects with universities and other relevant organisations. Fully achieved
Ensure ongoing interpretation of the site and collections in line with the Interpretation Plan 2008–2013. Fully achieved
Develop strategic marketing campaigns that promote Museum of Australian Democracy and its products and experiences. Fully achieved
Provide a responsive, timely and accurate reference service through the Australian Prime Ministers Centre. Fully achieved
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