Management and accountability

Human resources management

The success of Old Parliament House and the Museum of Australian Democracy is achieved through the efforts and commitment of our people. We value our staff and volunteers and recognise the importance of their personal and professional development.

Staff profile

At 30 June 2015, the agency employed 90 staff, including the Director and two Senior Executive Service officers. Of these, 60 were female and 30 were male, and 56 were ongoing, 17 were non-ongoing and 17 were casual. The full-time equivalent number of employees for the year was 64.87 (excluding casuals). Three new employees were engaged on an ongoing basis. As at 30 June 2014 and 2015, the agency did not have any staff who identified as Indigenous Australians.

The voluntary turnover of staff equated to the departure of 10 ongoing employees (17.09 per cent of ongoing staff). The turnover included three transfers, seven resignations and no voluntary redundancies.

The agency's senior management team during 2014–15 consisted of two Senior Executive Service Band 1 staff members and seven Executive Level 2 staff. In October 2015, a permanent Senior Executive Service Band 1 officer left the agency. This position was filled on a non-ongoing basis until 30 June 2015. In addition, an Executive Level 2 position became vacant during the year.

Following these changes to the agency's senior management ranks, and in light of the good performance of lower level staff during the redistribution of this work, the Executive Management Group decided that the agency would not fill the vacant Senior Executive Service Band 1 and Executive Level 2 positions and would use the savings elsewhere.

Detailed staffing statistics are provided in Appendix A.

Terms and conditions

During 2014–15 the terms and conditions for all non–Senior Executive Service staff were governed by the agency's Enterprise Agreement 2011–14, which is available at

The agreement commenced on 1 July 2011 and nominally expired on 30 June 2014. It complies with the Fair Work Act 2009, the Public Service Act, the National Employment Standards and the Australian Public Service Bargaining Framework. The agency consulted with staff on the Australian Government Public Sector Workplace Bargaining Policy and will continue bargaining for a new enterprise agreement in 2015–16.

No performance pay provisions were in place for employees. Details of salary ranges for all staff are provided in Appendix A.

Learning and development

The agency's learning and development framework is aligned with the priorities and outcomes of the Strategic Plan 2013–18, enduring commitments and individual performance agreements.

The principal objectives of the framework are to:

  • maintain a coherent approach to learning and development, with clearly defined responsibilities for implementing learning and development programs and greater accountability for outcomes
  • strengthen linkages between learning and development activities and the agency's business strategy and goals, and demonstrate the value of learning and development to business needs.


In 2014–15, the agency maintained its standard of completing all recruitment and selection processes within a target time of six weeks, and implemented regular training for selection panel members.


The Privacy Policy was reviewed during 2014–15 to ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 1988. The document outlines the agency's obligations for managing personal information and is available on the Old Parliament House website at

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